Murphy's Law

美 [ˌmɜːrfiz ˈlɔː]英 [ˌmɜːfiz ˈlɔː]
  • n.墨菲法则(认为任何可能出错之事必将出错)
Murphy's LawMurphy's Law


a statement of the fact that, if anything can possibly go wrong, it will go wrong

Murphy's Law


  • 1
    N-PROPER 墨菲法则(认为凡是有可能出错的地方终将出差错)
    Murphy's Law is the idea that whatever can go wrong in a situation will go wrong.

  1. Of the studies about Murphy 's Law , the most famous one is the buttered toast phenomenon : One toast with butter falls , it lands butter-side down most of the time .


  2. Cooper : Murphy 's Law doesn 't mean that something bad will happen . What it means is whatever can happen , will happen .


  3. Murphy 's Law is the first rule of information technology ( IT ) .


  4. Murphy 's Law : Anything that can go wrong will go wrong .


  5. According to Murphy 's Law , if anything can go wrong , it will .


  6. Is this plain bad luck or is it Murphy 's law at work ?


  7. Safe rheology and sudden change theory and Murphy 's law express the cause of the safe problem .


  8. Adam : yeah . murphy 's law and all that .


  9. Forestalling Murphy 's Law as applied to products demands intelligence , skill , and commitment .


  10. But gadgets and sampling alone will never do the trick since these items are also subject to Murphy 's Law .


  11. With Murphy 's Law in force at every step , it isn 't always easy for filmmakers to get the results they want .


  12. But as Murphy 's Law would have it , whichever lane they get in , all the other lanes will move faster .


  13. We can see from this perspective that the Murphy 's law is a kind of interpretation of probability , and it doesn 't mean bless , good luck or disasters itself .


  14. Murphy 's law of dating says that if you can get a huge glob of food stuck in your front teeth while trying to woo your potential future SO , you will .


  15. Scanning the entire image and replacing all occurrences of the old IP ( in textual or binary form ) with the new one should never be seriously considered by anyone who understands Murphy 's Law .


  16. But this is because they know that good things don 't just " happen , " and that Murphy 's Law exists because there is a better chance of something going wrong along the way than everything going exactly according to plan .


  17. The plots of the film have embodied the correctness of murphy 's law for many times . It can lead tasks to a right direction except messing things up . The hero saved all the human beings with the action of Murphy 's law .


  18. Murphy 's law is usually thought to be named after Captain Edward Murphy , a development engineer with the United States Air Force in the middle of the last century . Murphy 's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as : Anything that can go wrong will go wrong .


  19. Murphy of Murphy 's Law fame seems to be my patron saint .


  20. The leading man 's daughter in the flim called Murphy , and she is always complaining about the relationship between her name and the unlucky Murphy 's law .
